What we Gain from Loss

I sit eating my dinner amongst a family that is whole, but yet so empty. I look across the room. Your wedding photo was taken from the frame and replaced with a new one. Your daughter, wife, brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-laws, and nieces and nephews are here – but you’re not. Sixteen years has passed since you were tragically killed in a car accident. It’s not what we lost. It’s what we never got to have. I ask my dad, “How do you do it?” He said, “I do it for my brother.” Through the horrendous circumstances of losing his brother just a few years after losing his father, my dad has remained optimistic, positive, and has always, always moved forward. We go on because we have to. Because there simply isn’t another option. Would you live differently if you knew loss was coming your way? It’s so easy to take for granted our lives – our family, our friends, our surroundings. We only begin to appreciate them when they are taken from us. How do we bring ...