
Showing posts from July, 2022

An open letter to America's Got Talent: It's time to normalize stuttering instead of praising the stigma

When I first saw Amanda Mammana on America’s Got Talent, I was hooked. As a person who stutters, and blocks in a similar way as Amanda, it was surreal seeing someone on national television (and now a viral video) talking the way I do.  At the same time, I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. I felt used, abused, misunderstood, and pitied. Here’s why:   Problem #1: The title of the video The YouTube clip is titled, “Singer With Speech Impediment Moves the Judges to Tears” Stuttering is a difference, not an impediment. Yes, it’s hard to stutter, and for some it can certainly feel like an impediment, but that doesn’t give society the right to call it an impediment. This slight change of semantics actually makes a big difference. Impediment is defined as "a hinderance or obstruction in doing something." Stuttering influences talking and the avoidances associated with it might become a hinderance as the person who stutters avoids situations, changes words, and subsequently has